As most of you already are aware,
Collingwood has a storied
history much of it based on its geographic waterfront location. In 1986 we lost the shipyards, which was a
unique landmark and a major contributor to the economic development of the
town. Seemingly, we are getting closer
to losing another important aspect of the Town’s water based history, the
Nottawasaga Island lighthouse.

Nottawasaga lighthouse was one of six “Imperial” lighthouses constructed in the latter part
of the 1800’s. I travel past one of them
regular in the summer on the way to my
Manitoulin Island. The Cove Island lighthouse as shown in the
photo to the right, is located north of
Tobermory on the Bruce Peninsula and
marks the entrance to
Georgian Bay from Lake Huron. You can readily see the similarity to this
structure compared to our own Nottawasaga lighthouse. The
Nottawasga lighthouse now decommissioned,
is in grave disrepair with its stone facade crumbling and falling to the ground
leaving the interior stone walls exposed to the weather and further
Locally, a group
that sees the value in maintaining this important historical landmark is
attempting to drum up enough interest and support to save the
Nottawasaga lighthouse thus serving to preserve
Collingwood’s marine heritage.

As you might have
already noted, as an avid boater I love spending time on the water so
lighthouses have a special place in my heart.
I am also fascinated by the history they represent. The lighthouse pictured to the right is one
of two that marks the channel into South Baymouth on
Manitoulin Island. It was first manned by my great grandfather
so I also have a family connection with these unique structures.

During the last week of August, I took a trip from my
cottage one day by boat, a 65 mile round trip out to Lonely Island which is
remotely situated in the northern portion of
Georgian Bay. Lonely Island is aptly named. Imagine living in total desolation on an
island infested with
Massssauga rattlesnakes.
Apparently no one ever stayed there very long hence the name. There is no protected harbor on the island
leaving the docking facility for supply and maintenance vessels totally exposed
to winds, waves and ice. The Canadian
Coast Guard eventually gave up trying to maintain a dock so the light situated
high atop a hill is now accessed via helicopter. All that remains of the various lighthouse
keepers’ days on Lonely are crumbling stone foundations belonging to what was
once their residence and other outbuildings.
My companion and I made our way ashore and with sticks in hand to beat
off any
rattlesnakes attempted to hike up to the light. With the path petering out, increasingly
overgrown and with our attire consisting of shorts with bare feet in boating
shoes, we thought the better of proceeding further. Better to return I thought dressed in long
pants and hiking boots.

Lastly, the
lighthouse to the right is another one I see regularly during my water bound
travels on
Manitoulin. It’s located in a
somewhat remote location on the southern shore of
Manitoulin in a place called
Michaels Bay. Michaels Bay was a
thriving community with a logging based economy until it was wiped out by a
forest fire around the turn of the last century. Ships would arrive to load and transport the
logs south to parts of southern Ontario and the U.S. and this lighthouse played
an integral part in their safe passage. The
lighthouse pictured herein is actually a replicate, built by volunteers one
being my Uncle, at their own expense to commemorate its historical
Not all of the
lighthouses around
Georgian Bay such as the Nottawasaga light here in
Collingwood are in active duty. They
nonetheless are worth saving. I commend
those trying to drum up enough support to save the Nottawasaga lighthouse and I
invite you to visit the Help Save the
Nottawasaga Lighthouse Facebook page at A
Volunteer signup and brief meeting will be held
Sunday, Sept. 22nd at 9:30 am sharp at the Collingwood Legion 490 Ontario
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