Across the Province there has been widespread opposition to proposed wind turbine installations which has given new meaning to the term “not
in my backyard.”
Earlier this
week an Ontario court ruled that property owners located near established or
proposed wind farms have suffered diminished property values. A lawyer for such landowners say that this
recent decision will open the door for legal action against both wind farm
developers as well as those parties that lease their properties out to such developers. This of course has drawn criticism from wind
power proponents claiming that the evidence heard was speculative.

The claim against
the defendants was dismissed given the fact the wind farm has not yet received
environmental approval nor has it been built. However, the Judge presiding over the case
ruled that damage to the plaintiffs had already been done in that diminished
property values had resulted by the mere fact the wind farm project was announced.
Just how much
a neighbouring wind farm diminishes property values remains to be seen. Some estimates put the number at 20% to 50%. As a REALTOR® in direct contact with Buyers,
I would argue that the acceptance of and or the willingness by a Buyer to purchase a property
near a wind farm is a far greater issue than price. Some Buyers would not even remotely entertain
purchasing a property next to or perhaps even within sight of a wind farm no
matter how good a deal it was. As a Market Value Appraiser I believe it may
prove impossible to put a number on how much a property’s value diminishes with
a wind farm close by. This is certainly a subjective question and one that will vary from Buyer to Buyer.
Needless-to-say, this will not be the last we hear on the controversial issue of wind turbines and I invite you to take my poll on the matter.
Needless-to-say, this will not be the last we hear on the controversial issue of wind turbines and I invite you to take my poll on the matter.
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